Alexandra Mihailova

Profile - alex

Alexandra Mihaylova is an actress at Drama and Puppet Theater "Vasil Drumev" in Shumen since 2007. She started her journey in acting in 1999 as a part of the theatrical studio "Igra" at the House of Culture "Sredets" in Sofia.

Under the direction of Petar Varbanov, she portrayed Bianca in "People with Suitcases" by H. Levin, Mrs. Peachum in "The Threepenny Opera" by B. Brecht, and Hanna in "The Kitchen" by Arnold Wesker.

In 2003, she moved to Plovdiv and became a part of the first class for acting for drama at Paisii Hilendarski University. The class was led by Professor Elisaveta Sotirova and assistant director Todor Dimitrov. She appeared in two diploma performances, playing Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya in "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov, and Mary Brenham and Captain David Collins in "The Cut" by Timberlake Wertenbaker.

Between 2008 and 2017, as a professional actress, she participated in projects at the Shakespeare School "Petrunden." There, she collaborated with the English director Rex Doyle in productions like "Pericles" as Thaisa, "As You Like It" as Rosalind, "The Tempest" where the role of Prospero was adapted for her, and many others.

In 2012, she completed the master's program in Acting for Theater and Cinema under the guidance of Professor Plamen Markov at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts "Krastyo Sarafov." Alexandra graduated with roles of Lucy in "Disease of Youth" by F. Bruckner, directed by Plamen Markov (co-production with Drama Theater "St. Kiril and Metodii" - Sliven) and Liz in "The Illusion" by Pierre Corneille, directed by Margarita Mladenova (co-production with Drama Theater "Nikolay Masalitinov" - Plovdiv).

Thanks to the program, she made her debut with two film roles as Racheto in "The End of the Rope," directed by Docho Bodzhakov, and Lelya Katya in "Bolero," directed by Svetoslav Ovcharov. Over 15 years at the Shumen Theater, she has played numerous roles, including Woman A in "Kutsulan or The Wolf Madonna" by Konstantin Iliev, Maman in "Your Coffee, Mr. Minister" by H. Garbea, The Student in "The Sand Puzzle" by Yana Dobreva, and many others. Some of her recent roles at the theater include Maria in "Mihal Mishkoed" by S. Dobroplodni, Ines in "Life in Three Versions" by Yasmina Reza, Xanthippe in "Socrates' Last Night" by St. Tsanev, and Emi in "An Introduction to Their Picture" by M. Minkov, directed by Stoyko Murdzhev.

For her role as Emi, Alexandra received the Best Actress Award from the "New Bulgarian Drama" Theater Festival in 2021.

You can watch Alexandra Mihailova in:

The Flies
Mihal Mishkoed
Pippi Longstocking
Colorful Magic
The Adventures of Mr. Happy
Stand-up Comedy - First Timers
Hospital at the End of the World
Adventures in the End of Winter